What’s most important for you? What would you like changed or done in our city-region? What are your thoughts and observations?

Do you have feedback on how Mik runs his campaign – or on what he has written on this home page or in social media?
You can write your input in the comment field below – or send it via the contact form.

NB: If you don’t want it published, it is important that you state that.

Vision for arts and culture in Geelong

Don Linke: “For how a Council successfully can help create a thriving arts and culture scene, look towards Hobart. First we need that kind of vision. Not just a wish-list.”

I was tired of politics. Now I’m excited

Ernesto Sanchez at South Geelong Farmers Market on 1 October 2017

City clean up

“Right in from of Leisurelink, this kind of rubbish is everywhere, what is the city doing about it? What is Council doing about it? This I took just now.”

Mik’s response: This is a perfect example of why proper progress requires that we collaborate. In this case: If Council steps up and clean up this rubbish that careless individuals throw in our creeks, parks and along road sides, but does it without any support or understanding from the community, the rubbish will just keep coming. It will be a never-ending and eventually unsuccessful battle.

On the other hand, if the community stands alone, and Council does absolutely nothing, it will also be difficult to keep our city looking tidy, because it is a never-ending task.

Here is what we can do: Council needs to partner with organisations in the city, so that we work together on cleaning up Geelong’s public spaces. Decentralised leadership in the community combined with united leadership in Council is the recipe to create real and lasting impact on the beatifying and cleaning up of our city.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mik has received a large number of questions via email and Facebook, and some of the most frequently asked questions – along with Mik’s replies – have been posted on this page

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