Mik Aidt – 54 years old. Community radio host, journalist, communicator
Areas of expertise: Climate change, renewable energy, cultural diversity, artistic freedom of expression, world music.
Mik founded and co-hosts the weekly radio show The Sustainable Hour on 94.7 The Pulse in 2013, which over the four years since then has become a leading news provider in the region in the area of sustainability, renewable energy and climate change.
What most people don’t know about Mik Aidt’s background • Mik’s grandfather was a member of the Danish Parliament • In 1988, Mik received a bravery medal from the Royal Humane Society – a British charity that grants awards for acts of bravery in the saving of human life. • Global outlook: Mik has travelled in 55 countries. He travelled and worked four years on the African continent. • Mik moved to Geelong from Copenhagen in January 2013, and during 185 hours of community radio broadcasting and as an organiser of numerous events, he has interviewed over 500 residents of the city from all walks of life – from leaders, decision makers, business owners and activists to school kids and grand parents – about their hopes, dreams and aspirations for this city. This is how he has come to know the various communities and groups in Geelong so quickly, and it is how he has become a well-known spokesperson for a number of them. |
Father to Eva, 8, Matt, 10, and Alex, 12.
Married with Deb who is Australian and works in Department of Health.
Editor, designer and host of web sites such as www.climatesafety.info, www.climateemergencydeclaration.org, www.frackfreegeelong.org, www.surfcoast.airaction.org, and many more.
Committee member of Geelong Sustainability, Transition East Geelong, Bicycle Users Geelong, and Frack Free Geelong, and a member of Surf Coast Energy Group, CORENA, and Victorian Climate Action Network.
How to say ‘Aidt’
It rhymes on ‘unite’ – or on ‘right’

Aidt is a small village in Denmark, where Mik’s grand-grandfather lived
Mik Aidt was born on 5 October 1962 in Risskov, Denmark. Son of Birgit and Finn Aidt, both teachers.
Career summary
2017: Trainer at SBS. Freelance journalist and web master for companies and organisations in both Denmark and Australia.
2015–2016: Executive producer of a weekly, national radio show in Australia on SBS Radio, www.sbs.com.au/danish
2014: Writes and publishes the booklet ‘The Solution – A Vision for Our City’, an essay about the ‘Leadership By Example’ principle. 250 copies are handed out free of charge to schools and to each of the 13 Geelong councillors. You can read more about The Solution here.
2005–2016: Web editor of www.freemuse.org and www.artsfreedom.org – about freedom of expression and human rights for musicians and artists.
2009–2012: Director of Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture – www.dcai.dk / www.cki.dk
2003: Quits his job in DR in order to work full time in his own production and publishing company Interculture, www.interculture.dk.
1992–2003: Full-time employed at DR, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation. First as radio host of a national world music show, later working with general news and features, and in the last years an executive of a department for music. In 1998–1999 part of the team who built the first version of www.dr.dk
2000: Launches the record company Mild Records, which produces and publishes six CD album over the next years. For instance, the critics-acclaimed album ‘Balad Djemil’, produced by Mik Aidt and Torsten Myhre Jensen. You can listen to the song ‘Balad Djemil’ here. More about the album ‘Balad Djemil’. He also has composed music for a number of albums with his sister, Pernille Aidt – such as the album ‘Songs That Dream’.
1992-2008: Editor-in-Chief of the leading Danish world music magazine Djembe.
Graduated Bachelor of Applied Journalism 1992 at Danish School of Media and Journalism.
Previous positions in Executive Committees and Boards (paid positions)
• Danish Center for Culture and Development (1998-2003), www.dccd.dk
• Djembe Magazine (1992-2008), www.djembe.dk
• Salaam Film & Dialogue (2006-2012), www.salaam.dk
• Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture (2008), www.dcai.dk
• Cultures (2008-2011), www.cultures.dk
• P/F Elmegården (2007-2012), www.pf-elmegaarden.dk
Work areas
Filmmaker, tv documentary producer, photographer, radio host, author, columnist, blogger, social media communication, graphic design, publisher, organiser of events.
Software experience
• Internet: WordPress. Expert level html coding. Familiar with php.
• Video: Final Cut Pro
• Audio: Logic, Adobe, WavePad
• Graphic design: Photoshop, InDesign, Microsoft Word and more